Barriers to Memory

Matthew Barrett, founder of Brain Trainers, was the speaker for our November 18 WorkSource Professional Network meeting. The primary reason people can’t remember facts, faces or names is that they can’t retrieve the information from their long term memory – what Barrett calls the “file cabinet.” Some information never gets from short-term memory – he calls it “the desktop” to long-term. Some information is filed, but may not be easily retrieved upon command. There are a couple of factors that can inhibit memory and recall.

Five Keys to Better Memory

Matthew Barrett, founder of Brain Trainers, is the speaker for our November 18 WorkSource Professional Network meeting. He says that there are five ways you can move information from your short-term “desktop” to your long-term “file cabinet.”

Train Your Brain for Better Memory

Matthew Barrett, founder of Brain Trainers, is the speaker for our November 18 WorkSource Professional Network meeting. Barrett has a Masters degree in Psychology and calls himself a “personal trainer for the brain.” His lessons take cutting-edge cognitive neuroscience and turn the science into entertaining and accessible presentations for his audience. We spent some